The Adolescent Years

I started attending Gimnazija Jurija Vege in Idrija, Slovenia in 2002, where I had the most fun in math and chemistry classes. It is in chemistry, that I first learned of the "quantum nature" of things, when I first heard of atomic orbitals. This was the first time I was amazed by natural phennomena - to such extent, that for a while I wanted to study chemistry. Soon enough I learned that it was not chemistry that focused on quantum effects, but rather physics. So when I heard a prominent Slovenian physicist give a public lecture on Gravity I was convinced - it is all about physics. When I finished High School in 2006 as a "Zlati Maturant" it was clear I am going to go study Physics.

University Years

I started my studies at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of University in Ljubljana, Slovenia in the fall of 2006. As the early years of Physics studying don't put that much focus on Modern Physics I forgot how much I was impressed by quantum mechanics in High School - until the third year of my studies, when I listened to the Quantum Mechanics course. In that class I finally got to learn about the part of physics I fell in love with so long ago. A particularly important part of the class to me was at the end of the course - we discussed the Feynman Path Integrals. That was enough motivation for me to read the Feynman, Hibbs book on Path Integrals and from that moment on I knew the secret -- Physics is it.

Later, near the end of my studies I learned where Path Integrals are actually used, and that is lattice field theory. It turns out that the Path Integral is an incredibly powerful tool for understanding modern day nonperturbative physics. It is then that I met my mentor, dr. Saša Prelovšek Komelj, where I soon after did my diploma thesis.

Graduate School

In 2011 I became a PhD student at the Department of Theoretical Physics (F1) at Jozef Stefan Institute, where I finished my PhD in June 2015 under the mentorship of dr. Saša Prelovšek Komelj and dr. Daniel Mohler.

Postdoc Life

At the end of August 2015 I started working with Prof. Stefan Meinel at the Department of Physics of the University of Arizona, where we emarked on a journey of resonances, heavy mesons and transitions together.

In the fall of 2018 I moved to JLab where I started working with the Hadron Spectrum collaboration investigating transitions with coupled channel resonances.